Monday, August 10, 2015

KTU BTech Lecture Notes Downloads

KTU B.Tech Syllabus Semester 1 and 2 S1&2

Download S1 & S2 KTU Syllabus

Grades and Grade Points in Kerala Technological University KTU

Grades and Grade Points as per UGC guidelines is to be followed by the University Grades Grade Point (GP) % of Total Marks obtained in the course

O (Outstanding) 10 90% and above
A+ (Excellent) 9 85% and above but less than 90%
A (Very Good) 8 80% and above but less than 85%
B+ (Good) 7 70% and above but less than 80%
B (Above Average) 6 60% and above but less than 70%
C (Average) 5 50% and above but less than 60%
P (Pass) 4 45% and above but less than 50%
F (Fail) 0 Less than 45%
FE 0 Failed due to eligibility criteria [7-o]
I Course Incomplete

SGPA and CGPA are calculated based on the above grading norms and are explained at the end of this document.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Kerala Technological University Overview

Kerala Technological University (a state government university) has come into existence on May 21, 2014 with an aim to give leadership to the technology related policy formulation and engineering planning for the state. It also emphaziess to improve the academic standards of the graduate, post graduate and research programmes in engineering science, technology and management and regulate the academic standards of all colleges affiliated to the University. The main thrust areas of the University are Research,Development and Innovation